Tax Consultant Indonesia | Proconsult

tax & accounting services

10 Tips on Choosing Tax & Accounting Services

Tax & accounting services are now very common in Indonesia. However, finding the services of a professional tax consultant is not easy. By choosing a professional tax consultant, you can manage all tax administration properly and, not only that, you can avoid miscalculations that make you pay more.


Taxes are an important element in the economy of a country. Of course, business actors will also benefit from the taxes paid, for example, through the availability of good infrastructure. so as to make product distribution run optimally. Then how do you find out whether the tax & accounting services you want to use are professional or not? For that, see the following tips:



10 Tips for Choosing a Tax & Accounting Services

As a good citizen, tax is an obligation that must be paid. If you are a business actor and want to use tax and accounting services in dealing with corporate tax issues, The following are tips for choosing a professional tax consultant so that tax problems are resolved properly.

1. Choose a Licensed 

A license to practice consulting services is very important. Because if you don’t have a license to practice, you can be sure that the consulting service is an unofficial, illegal service.

2. Not Violating the Law

As a good consulting service, the provider must know what tax activities violate the law. If a tax consultant advises you to embezzle funds so that the taxes paid are less, then the consultant is not recommended to be used.

3. Choose a Consultant who is a Member of a Tax Association

When choosing a tax & accounting services, make sure you choose a consultant who has a good, professional, and experienced track record in the field of taxation.

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4. Choose an Experienced Consultant

If the consultant already has a license to practice and is registered with a tax association, then you need to know the experience of the tax consultant. You do this by looking at customer testimonials, either from social media or the consultant’s website.

5. Ensure the Tariff

Before you decide to use one of these tax and accounting services, make sure you know the requested rates. because some consulting services set rates using different calculations. For example, some have rates per hour, per day, and per case handled.

6. Find out the Credibility 

The most important thing in choosing a tax & accounting services is knowing its credibility. But unfortunately, taxpayers still have difficulty determining whether the consultant is credible or not. For that, we recommend for you to choose.

7. Fast Response

The next tip for choosing tax & accounting services is to choose a consultant who is easy to contact and responsive. This indicates that they are professionals at their work.

8. Choose a Friendly Consultant

By choosing a friendly tax consultant, you will feel comfortable using the services provided. You will not feel awkward when talking about the tax problems you are experiencing.

9. On Time

Choose a tax consultant who is always on time if you are invited to meet to discuss issues related to taxes. Because time is money, of course you don’t want your time to be wasted just waiting for someone, right?

10. Have a Website

Websites can indicate that the company is professional. for seriously building his business. Besides that, from the website, you can see the performance of the service company that you will use. Because usually websites contain all the services and work they have handled.


Those are 10 tips on choosing tax & accounting services that you can put into practice. Just a suggestion, if you have problems in terms of taxation, then is the right solution for the problems you are experiencing. Click here if you need a professional tax consultant.

ALSO READ: Online Business and Tax Consulting Services Indonesia

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