Tax Consultant Indonesia | Proconsult

Our Story

Proconsult was established in 2017 by aspiring youths from accounting and finance field. With our determination and customers’ goals in mind, we start the business undeterred.

Starting from 3 clients, Proconsult has now worked with more than 100 clients in total. With more diverse clients, demands for consultation arise, showing our dedication in focusing on our clients’ needs is satisfactory.

As of now, our service ranges and expanded to marketing, finance, tax plan, audit, and business management.

Our Team

We are a team full of dedicated and committed individuals. We consult businesses ranging from the ones which just starts up their business to the ones which were established for more than 30 years. We believe that every problem has a solution and with our experience, we provide wider opportunity and problem solving. All of our work is focused on strengthening your management and making your business grow.

Our Vision

We believe we can open the gate for investments in Indonesia, with the utmost accurate information and best services for clients. actualy on tax consultant indonesia

Our Objectives

To open a way for investors to increase employment rate in Indonesia

To provide a one-stop solution to businesses wanting to penetrate the market in Indonesia.

To work with clients with the absolute best financial and accurate business information.

Why Us

We are dedicated on setting up and growing your business expansion to Indonesia. Aside from consulting we aim to help you find the best project you might be interested in.

When every other business consultant will only guide you through the process of setting up and managing a business only, we can lead you to projects you might want to invest to in Indonesia.

We have been working with a wide range of business ranging from energy industry, mineral, utility, consumer good, mining, to power plant, giving you more option to choose a project from.