Tax Consultant Indonesia | Proconsult

personal income tax indonesia

Personal Income Tax Indonesia For Foreigners Doing Business

Each country must have its own rules regarding taxes. Likewise, the Indonesian state has rules that must be obeyed by the community. Many types of taxes need to be issued by a person related to his wealth. Like the personal income tax Indonesia which covers a person’s income for one year.

Not only that, the type of tax that you need to spend every year is vehicle tax, whether motorbike or car. Each type of vehicle has a different tax price. Even if you have a company in Indonesia, of course, you need to issue corporate income tax. Well, this rule must always be obeyed.

Indonesian personal income tax is the type of tax that you need to study. Because even if you don’t have a vehicle or company, you are still required to pay personal income tax. If you pay taxes according to a predetermined nominal, then you are one of the people who obey the rules.

Consulting Tax Indonesia? Contact Whatsapp +62 877-7180-0222

Because there are still many people out there who do not comply with this tax-related regulation. There is still minimal awareness of the importance of paying taxes in their own country. This could happen because they don’t understand the nominal amount that must be issued for personal taxes. If true, we need to learn to understand personal tax issues.

The existence of information that discusses Indonesia’s personal income tax is very helpful for ordinary people. Because by reading this article, people can understand personal tax issues. If you are one of them, then it is worth reading this review to the end to understand it.

If you don’t understand and don’t know how much it costs to pay taxes, then you can use the services we provide, namely consulting. So, we provide tax consulting services that can help you become a partner/associate in tax management in Indonesia. You can visit

Here is the Personal Income Tax Indonesia

If you don’t pay taxes because you don’t understand how to calculate the nominal tax for personal income, then you don’t need to worry anymore. Because we want to provide a very complete review regarding the costs you need to pay. Because we think that Indonesian personal income tax information is very important.

But if you don’t pay taxes because you don’t want to comply with the rules, then you have to change your life principles. Because this rule was created to be obeyed, besides that, it is obligatory to pay taxes. So you don’t have to avoid or outsmart the government regarding personal income for one year.

Also Read : Tax Income Indonesia: Legal Basis, Actors and Object

1. 60 Million Personal Income for One Year

There are still many people who do not understand how to calculate their personal taxes. Even though there is a lot of media that talks about the range of taxes for personal income. Information regarding personal income tax Indonesia must be disseminated because there are still many ordinary people about fees for personal taxes.

The first condition you need to know is that income of 60 million in one year needs to pay a 5% tax. This must be mastered by those who have that much income. Because that way they will not violate the taxes that must be issued, otherwise they will commit violations.

If your income in a month is 4.5 million, then you are not required to pay personal income tax. Because that figure when calculated for 1 year only reaches 54 million. So you don’t have to spend Indonesian personal income tax. If a month’s salary reaches 5 million, then it becomes mandatory.

Because if you count it for 1 year, you will find a figure of 60 million. You are required to pay a tax fee of 5%, which is 3 million. But if your income for one year is very large, of course, it’s a different story. So that’s the personal tax cost that you need to pay if you get 1 year’s income of 60 million.

2. Personal Income Tax of 60 Million to 250 Million

Even though there has been a lot of media discussing the cost of spending taxes on personal income, in fact, there are still many people who don’t understand it. In fact, personal income tax indonesia does not only have to be known by the Indonesian people. Especially by foreign nationals who have businesses in Indonesia.

Apart from the income of the company they develop, of course, there is personal income from that company. If personal income reaches 60 million to 250 million, then the tax that needs to be paid is 15%. The existence of this rule must be obeyed by foreigners because they have chosen Indonesia to build their business.

Personal income tax Indonesia helps companies that are developed become legal. If foreigners do not want to comply with tax regulations in Indonesia, they can move the company to another country. This is a form of firmness from the Indonesian state so that everyone is responsible for complying.

If they get a personal income of 100 million for a full year, then the fee that needs to be paid for taxes is 15 million. This figure is much lower compared to moving the company to another country. That way foreign citizens will respect the regulations from Indonesia regarding this tax.

Consulting Tax Indonesia? Contact Whatsapp +62 877-7180-0222

3. Personal Income Reaches 250 Million to 500 Million

Taxes for personal income or PPh must be obeyed by all Indonesian people. This also applies to foreign nationals who have jobs in Indonesia. Personal income tax indonesia regulation will have a good impact on the development of the Indonesian state. So that society is obliged to issue it.

If you have an income of 250 million to 500 million a year, you need to pay a tax fee of 25%. So, if your income in a year reaches 400 million, then the tax you need to spend is 100 million. It may be very big for you, but it has a good impact on your company. The income we discussed earlier is the net income for 1 year. If the company you are building has a capital of 50 million, then has an income of 300 million in one year, then the net income is 250 million. And your Indonesian personal income tax is at that 250 million figure.

However, if you have a personal income exceeding 500 million in one year, the costs incurred for taxes will be different. Namely, you need to spend 30% of your net income. So that’s the review regarding personal income tax or PPh that you need to know before building a business.

For those of you who still don’t understand how to calculate Indonesian personal income tax, you can contact us at the link above. We as a tax consulting service will provide a solution to any of your personal tax problems. So what are you waiting for, hurry up and visit the link!

Also Read : Taxation & Accounting Outsourcing Services in Indonesia

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