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solar energy indonesia

Solar Energy Indonesia, Best Investment Business?

Solar Energy IndonesiaIn recent years, the nations of the world have attempted more and more to diversify their energy sourcing and production. This is because fossil fuel has significant negative side effects and both climate change and the use of energy have been linked to a causality.

Solar energy is one of the so-called sustainable/new/green energy. This is because the energy that was generated from Solar is less carbonite and more environmentally friendly. But then again there are some things that were important to know and understand about the energy of solar.

It goes without saying that Solar Energy Indonesia is very potential, but also very complex and hard to be done properly. In this article, we will talk about solar energy and its applications and complications within its existence, mainly in Indonesia. We will try to tip toe to the general problems and potentials of solar here.

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The Potential of Solar

Unlike other countries, Indonesia has fewer problems with the natural side of things. Indonesia is located in the equator belt. This guarantee the consistently sunny days that will shower everyone from tip to tip of the archipelago with power that could generate 200.000 gigawatts of electricity.

Indonesia itself has been a strong producer of Solar Energy Indonesia. There is numerous potential of applications of the mentioned energy. Perhaps, the most common and the primary thing to be done with the potential is the realm of electricity and energy generation for common people.

There have been studies and developments by both the private sector and various ministries to open up more potential of Solar energy, mainly within the realm of electricity generation. This often occurred within the realm of Public-Private Partnership or certain funding for research universities.

To understand the potential of Solar Energy Indonesia, the 200.000 gigawatts will be able to provide electricity for 1.500.000 average households in Indonesia. Most of its region has a sunny environment and it has big potential, what stops them to build upon it?

Also Read: Energy Indonesia: The Correct Place to Invest In?

The Problem with Solar

The main problem with solar is the storage. If you will, the main thing that stops Indonesia to make solar their substantial source of energy is that, while the sun always shines, their energy should directly be consumed because it is very hard to distribute to another region.

On the surface, this might not be a problem because the whole country is very bright and sunny. The problem cracks when we know that the platform and infrastructure of the industry haven’t kept up with the potential of Solar Energy Indonesia.

For example, the cheap solar power generator for a household is about US$ 1000, while the household in Indonesia has a median income of US$ 1003. You would ask a family to spend their whole income or sacrifice substantial savings to have their house installed with solar panels and generators. The lack of investments to industrialize it contributes to its expansiveness.

So is that mean we should stop or delay developing the solar engines, batteries, and industry? Of course not! On the contrary, we should be using these potentials of solar power with open-eyed and greater investments through regulations or tax breaks to incentivize the industry to grow.

Not only that, Solar Energy Indonesia is one of the best places to; develop this. In the US, there are some attempts to develop this further, but the problem of the clout, climate, and political alignment and investment has made the development stalled. This isn’t what you need to worry in Indonesia.

Indonesian government has opened various co-operations, both in the academics and industrial sector. Unlike in some other countries, the government is more open and amicable to the expatriates or foreign investors. The ministry which handles the investment and energy also open to foreign parties.

Solar Energy Indonesia is one of the best potential for us to develop further and better future for our energy infrastructure. The potential of the energy of course needs better engineering to be developed, but it is still worth the risk and investment to gain not only electricity but also our future.

The Future of Solar Energy in Indonesia

The government and the private sector alike have coordinated strategically to build more infrastructure to support the need of solar energy. Though this is a slow effort, but more and more funds are being dedicated to finding solutions to reduce cost and increase the overall mileage and transfer of solar energy.

Solar Energy Indonesia has been developed mainly by the Ministry of energy and natural resources. However, this doesn’t mean that we should let them walk by themselves. There are several local partners that you could work with, in order to win the future.

We at understands the recent insights and the most updated trends and opportunities in building solar energy within the archipelago of Indonesia. We also have a solid human resources as researchers, engineers, and other professionals. offers you a top consulting and a reliable partner in doing business to create a better ecosystem for the advancement of Solar Energy Indonesia. Our partners and connections are constantly providing us with news, and other updates that only certain people have access to.

Should you want to do business in the energy sector in Indonesia, Solar energy is one of the top potential markets. It may not currently have the top market but it is definitely growing fast and steady. Plus, the energy consumption in Indonesia is growing and skyrocketing as more people got access to electricity.

The potential of Solar Energy Indonesia is currently unlimited. The good and stable political climate, the openness towards foreign parties and the massive investment both in the form of opportunities and the funds directed toward the application of solar is massively underrated in international energy sector.

Your first move should be to look for the best local partner in order to convert the potential into the energy for your business and for good. Solar Energy Indonesia is the market you need to look and invest in, while is the right, reliable partner you’ve been looking for!

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